The Mastery Centre



The Mastery Centre

Who we are...

We are a husband and wife team who are passionate about working with people who want to make significant changes in their lives. We bring over 40 combined years of experience to our work and we are lifelong learners. Our most successful clients are those who fully embrace change and are prepared to take full responsibility for their own life journey. We are merely facilitators.

What we do...

At The Mastery Centre we have created and developed a program called “InnerSite” which teaches you how to look at your body and life in a new way. As a fundamental part of this program we teach you the tools and techniques enabling you to live a happier, healthier and more successful life. Although our primary tool is coaching it includes a variety of energetic modalities.

What we don't do...

We are not healers, neither do we “fix” you. We show you how to take full responsibility for your life by guiding and facilitating your own process of discovery which ultimately leads to self-healing.

How you can find out more...

Contact us today for details of our free information sessions or a no-obligation consultation during which we can explore together how best we at The Mastery Centre can help you.

(819) 483-0667
graham @
judy @

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